TLCF Newsletter December 2024 

The Tower Lakes Community Foundation (TLCF) has been very busy.  We have a new board (listed below) that recently reviewed, approved, and disbursed funds for qualifying grant requests.  While we have not had active public fund-raising events the past few years, we are now funding multiple grant requests, collectively over $90,000 for our new Tower Lakes Administration, Police, and Community building and grounds, as well as our recent Tower Lakes 100th Anniversary weekend.  Some of these grants have been funded by large donations received within the last 18 months from Tower Lakes families with a desire to contribute generously to the community.  Of significance is funding for fixtures, furniture and equipment for the community space, as well as the rain garden on the north end of the property.  

The TLCF board will continue its efforts in the spring of 2025 by refining and re-communicating our mission and by-laws.  Most importantly, we will get back on the fundraising trail as our treasury needs replenishment.  The last Big Night fundraising dinner for TLCF was in 2019.  We will be considering multiple fundraising projects this coming spring for execution in the fall of 2025. In the meantime, NOW is the time for you to consider a year-end tax-deductible donation to the Tower Lakes Community Foundation.  We are a 501c-3 designated charity.  All our funds go back to the community, as evidenced by our recent grant disbursements.  We will provide a charitable tax receipt for any donation over $250.  Please consider a year-end donation and mail it to Tower Lakes Community Foundation, P.O. Box 6061, Wauconda, IL 60084.