August 2018
Tower Lakes Community Foundation
Perhaps you have seen our float in the July 4th parade or attended one of our BIG NIGHT extravaganzas but what do you really know about our organization? Maybe you are a Tower Lakes newcomer and have never even heard of us. So, in an effort to enlighten the community on the dealings of “The Foundation” or TLCF, we plan on placing a series of short articles in the Newsletter to let you know who we are, what we’ve been up to and how you can help.
Who are we? We are a registered, community 501c(3), established in 2009 by a group of Tower Lakes lovin’ neighbors, serving all of our neighborhoods, from Country Club Estates to Fenview, North Lake to South Hills, the East, West and North sides and all neighbors ‘betwixt and between!’ Our mission is “to maintain and improve the quality of life in the Village of Tower Lakes.”¹
Since, we are a small community, with no commercial tax base, it can be a fiscal challenge for the Village and TLIA to just maintain the lakes, parks and all other public spaces, not to mention any improvements that may be
needed. TLCF can help by working together with the appropriate governing body and issuing grants that are funded by means of donations from the community. We can also help to fund larger projects which would be near
impossible to complete without a major fundraising effort.
If you would like to know more about TLCF and how we work, please, visit our website at
The Tower Lakes Foundation Board
¹ Article I of the By-Laws of The Tower Lakes Community Foundation.